Q & A Collection – Answering Your Questions!

Q: Can I pass on using an item?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: Can I pass on using a skill?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: Can I attack myself?
A: No, you cannot. Attacks using dice can only target adjacent opponents. Skills can also only be used on other characters within their skill range.

Q: Can a Katana character use skills such as “heal,” “swap positions,” “deal damage,” or “exchange damage” on themselves?
A: Yes, they can.

Q: I want to activate the Katana Castle skill, “When HP becomes 1, that character can awaken.” Can I awaken the character during my opponent’s turn?
A: No, you cannot. Awakening can only be done during your own turn.

Q: Can I attack a castle using a skill?
A: No, you cannot. Skills can only be used to attack characters.

Q: Can I mix characters from three factions to form a team?
A: Yes, you can mix factions in your team. However, make sure your total team cost does not exceed 10. Also, you must follow the conditions of the chosen and placed “Castle.”

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact us!

「AWAKE HEROES」ゲームの進め方の詳細

「AWAKE HEROES」ゲーム説明とプレイ動画