Q & A Collection – Answering Your Questions!

Q: Can I pass on using an item?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: Can I pass on using a skill?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: Can I attack myself?
A: No, you cannot. Attacks using dice can only target adjacent opponents. Skills can also only be used on other characters within their skill range.

Q: Can a Katana character use skills such as “heal,” “swap positions,” “deal damage,” or “exchange damage” on themselves?
A: Yes, they can.

Q: I want to activate the Katana Castle skill, “When an ally’s HP reaches 1, that character can awaken.” Can I awaken the character during my opponent’s turn?
A: No, you cannot. Awakening can only be done during your own turn.

Q: I want to activate the Zeleus Castle states, “During battle, if there are 2 or more allies within 8 adjacent squares, increase attack by 2.” Does “Attack” include skill attacks?
A: “Attack” refers to physical attacks and does not include skill attacks.

Q: Can I attack a castle using a skill?
A: No, you cannot. Skills can only be used to attack characters.

Q: Can I mix characters from three factions to form a team?
A: Yes, you can mix factions in your team. However, make sure your total team cost does not exceed 10. Also, you must follow the conditions of the chosen and placed “Castle.”

Q: Regarding the 狂獣ディノス Mad Beast Dinos card:

The English text states: “Deal 5 damage to 2 enemies in the skill area.”
The Japanese text states:「スキル範囲の敵2体に4ダメージ。」(“Deal 4 damage to 2 enemies in the skill area.”)Which one is correct?

A: The correct version : “Deal 4 damage to 2 enemies in the skill area.”

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact us!

「AWAKE HEROES」ゲームの進め方の詳細

「AWAKE HEROES」ゲーム説明とプレイ動画